Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Story about Ping

We read The Story of Ping and watched the movie. We also did many fun activities that went along with the Story!
Art (medium,drawing water)- We talked about what the artist used to illustrate the book. The kids determined that it was crayons or colored pencils. We used water colored pencils to create water and motion waves for their ducks.
Social studies(geography,China,culture)-We read books and movies about China. We learned where China was on the Map.We also colored pictures of the flag and map.
Literature(fiction)- We learned that a fiction story is not true. The kids made duck puppets and made up their own stories.
Science(animals and habitats)- we learned all about ducks. We also talked about habitats and we decided to make our own animal habitats.
Math(Counting skills)- we counted each member of pings family using little ducks we cut out. We also counted by 10's and did some math problems we found in the book.

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