Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Paul Revere's Ride

Paul Revere's Ride

Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Illustrator:Ted Rand
Summary: The exciting rendition of the ride of Paul Revere is made more vivid by Ted Rand's bold watercolor paintings.

This book was enjoyed by both myself and kids. We spent so much time learning about the American Revolution and Boston. I highly recommended this book for anyone wanting to learn more about American History. We did so many exciting activities. I wish I had more time to spend on this book!

Social Studies:(American Revolution, The use of signals, Boston)
Their is a map in the front of the book that shows the ride of Paul Revere in Boston. We looked at the map and discussed it. We also found Boston on our map of the world and placed our story disk on it. Then we watched an episode of Liberty Kids on our I-pad and read books about Boston and the American Revolution. 
The use of Signals is a great way to send secret communications between people. We learned about Flag signals. First we copied our names in flag signals. Then we went on a field trip to the Cape Cod Canal Museum where we used block flags to make words. 

Language art-( Vocabulary, handwriting)
The kids learned new words and drew pictures of their meanings and they copied the first page of the poem in their best handwriting. Lily also wrote a couple sentences about Paul Revere, traced names of important people and colored a picture of a lantern. Aj traced letters, did a work sheet on letter sounds and colored a picture of Paul Revere. They both traced some prewriting worksheets.

Art- (Horizons, Sunlight, Mixed Media, Museum of Fine Art ) 
We painted a picture of the USS Constitution using acrylic paint for the background and black marker for the boat. The kids used a step by step online guide on how to draw a boat. At the beginning of the month we went on a field trip to see the Americas wing at the Museum of fine Arts Boston. We saw a painting of Paul Revere and George Washington. We also got to see a copy of The Declaration of Independence and The Magna Carta.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 

Mathematics-( Patterns, 100's chart, Differences, Numbers to 50)
We did three worksheets and put together a puzzle using the numbers 1-50.

Fog is formed by evaporated water moisture. We did an experiment and learned how fog is made. We filled a plastic back with dirt and wet it with water. Then we placed our bags in the sun on a window. We watched as fog was formed in our bags. The kids enjoyed making the bags. We also watched a video on fog on U-tube.

Field trip- (Boston, Freedom Trail)
We spent the day in Boston going to many different locations on the freedom tail.

We climbed to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument and visited the Bunker Hill Museum.

We then explored the USS Constitution and Museum. They had an amazing hands on child play center. Lily and Aj got to see what it would be like to live and work on board the USS Constitution. They pretended to scrub floor, tried sleeping in hammocks, practiced using rigging and much more.

We went to a park in Charles Town and saw a statue dedicated to people lost at sea.

We then stopped for lunch at Fanual Hall where we saw a knife thrower, a statue and the home site of Samuel Adams.

Next we stopped at 2 different cemeteries. We found the burial site of Paul Revere!!

Last but not least we went to the public garden where we rode on the Swan Boats and saw the Make way for duckling statues.

We had a wonderful day in Boston. I was bummed we couldn't fit a visit to The Old North Church and Paul Revers House in but that means we will have to plan another trip into the city!

More Fun(coloring, online activities)
We colored pics of different things and people from the American Revolution. We also borrowed a book from the library that has games and activities we could do. They even went online to where the kids played games and learned more about the USS Constitution.

** Work sheets came from 

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