Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mrs. Katz and Tush

Title: Mrs. Katz And Tush
Author/illustrator: Patricia Polacco
Copyright: 1992
Summary: A young boy learns compassion and finds a life time of friendship.

We read this book at the perfect time of year. It coincided with Hannukah and the month of December. Lily and Aj learned all about Hannukah, yeast and Yiddish. Check out all the fun and activities we did while we read this book!

Social Studies: (History,Geography)
Mrs Katz is originally from Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. We Placed our story disk on Poland. Lily and Aj then colored a map, flag and learned some facts about Poland.( example: climate, population) We also read a few books on Poland and a book about immigration.

Social Studies: (Jewish Tradition)
We learned about Hannukah. Lily and Aj played the dreidle game, ate matzo ball soup, potato pancakes and Gelt. They also read lots of books, watched a movie, colored a picture of a Menorah and colored in a Jewish coloring book.

Language Arts: (Yiddish,Vocabulary)
Their were many Yiddish words in the book Mrs. Katz and Tush. We chose a few words to learn the definitions of. Lily and Aj drew pictures of the words meanings.

Mathematics: (multiply, division)
Lily did a cat math worksheet on division and multiplication. Both Lily and Aj counted baked goods in the book as we were reading it!

Science: (Chemistry in cooking, yeast)
Yeast is a tiny one-celled plant that grows in things containing sugar.We talked about the way it causes dough to rise by creating gas bubbles in the bread. We did an experiment using yeast, made bread and read a book about bread.

Fermentation experiment using yeast- We looked at yeast under a magnifying glass. Then we used warm water, sugar and yeast to see how gas forms.

Baking Bread- We mixed all the ingredients, kneaded and baked the dough.

Book we read-

Art: (Drawing, detail)
Lily and Aj added faces and tails to a cat on a worksheet. Lily also used a drawing book and tried drawing a cat all by herself!

Extra Fun-(Reading, Art, Computer)
Lily and Aj colored a Picture of Mrs. Katz and Tush. They also watched a Reading Rainbow Episode on Utube about this book.


  1. Love how you were able to tie this in with Hanukkah! We rowed it during Passover and thought it tied in well, too. :) Thanks for linking up!

  2. Thanks it was a fun book to row! Thanks for checking out my blog!

  3. Looks like a very fun row at your home, too! We really enjoyed this and thank you for sharing!

  4. No problem! Thanks for reading my blog. We did enjoy this row!
