Monday, October 15, 2012

Very Last First Time

The book "Very Last First Time" is about a young Inuit girl who embarks on a long awaited privilege and finds it frightening and rewarding.Here are the activities we did along with the book!

Social Studies-(geography,Inuit culture)
This story is set in Canada so we found it on the map and placed the story disk on it. The kids colored a map and flag of Canada. They also learned about Inuit culture and Canada's climate.

Science-( animal science,melt and freeze)
Learning about polar bears was fun. We did experiment using plastic bags and shortening. We put our hands in the shortening which represented blubber on a polar bear. Then we put our hands in cold water to see how polar bears could live in such cold weather. We also did a melt and freeze experiment using water,ice and string.We were supposed to be able to pick up the ice on the string but it didn't work well. The ice fell off after only a couple seconds.

Lily and Aj learned new words in this book. We acted out the following new words: dragging,heaving,peering,scrambling,prying,and stumbling.They had so much fun that we started acting out other words too. Some examples are dancing,singing,skipping and playing. We also talked about choosing a good name for a book. Lily renamed " Very last First Time" to " Sea Floor".

Art-(Pointillism,building an igloo)
We did pictures using the pointillism technique and we made an igloo using cotton balls and glue. Lily loved looking at a soap stone carving from a Inuit in Canada.

Both Lily and Aj had fun pretending they where polar bears trying to find fish under the frozen ocean. After they retrieved the fish they repeated what number was on the fish. When all the fish were pulled out Lily put them in order from 1-20.

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