Monday, December 3, 2012

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the world written by Marjorie Priceman

This book is about a little girl who travels the world to find all the ingredients to make her apple pie.

Eating an Apple pie was the best part of reading this book!!

Social studies-(geography)
We placed the story disks on the world. We learned about Italy,France,Sri Lanka,England,Jamaica and Vermont. Lily and Aj colored a map and flag for all the different countries. They also learned about what products came from each country.

In the story the little girls visits an Apple farm and picks Apples and gives them to the animals and she eats them herself. We made paper apples and did adding and subtraction using them. Lily and Aj made apple sauce by measuring, mixing and following directions. We also learned about fractions by cutting up apple's for a snack.

Science-(salt and evaporation)
We saw how water can be deprived from salt water by the process of evaporation. We placed a 2 cups of water and 1/4 cup of salt in a pan. We boiled it and then put it in a shallow pan and set it in the sun. We watched it for a couple days and the salt seperated from the water.

Art-(street scene)
We drew pictures of street scenes and we also made paper bag stores to play with. Lily and Aj spent the day playing with the train table and setting up their own town.

Books we read

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