Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BABAR, To Duet or Not to Duet

Title: Babar,To Duet or Not to Duet
Author: The original characters of the Babar stories were created by Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff.This book, using those characters is based on a story by Elaine Waisglass, adapted to an animation series"Barbar"
Copyright: 1991
Summary: Learning to curb an over-active ambition, father and son overcome a problem which they both share.

I did have to search a little to find this book because it's not in print but it was well worth it! The kids loved reading about  Babar and his adventures. Check out all the fun we had while reading this book!

Social Studies-(Geography)
The setting of this story is a fictional city of Celestville. We placed our story disk on the key. We talked about the land of make-believe. Since we were not familiar with the Babar story characters we read a couple other books that were about Babar and his family. We placed the story disk on the map key.

Science- (Sound, Hearing, Human Ear)
Musical instruments make their notes and sounds in a variety of ways, but vibration is part of all musical sound.  We did three experiments about hearing, sound and vibration. We also read some great books and watched a u tube movie about the inside of the ear and how we hear.
     First Experiment- 
I had the kids close their eyes and I made a noise. They had to listen closely and draw pictures or write about what item they thought the noise was coming from. The items I used to make the noises were a stapler, tape measure, sprinkles and pencils.

Second Experiment-
I blindfolded the kids. They had to determine where a sound was coming from. We took turns clapping from different positions around the house.

Third Experiment- 
We filled water glasses with different amounts of water and listened to the vibrations. We also talked about low and high notes.

YouTube movie about hearing

 Books Read

Music-(Orchestra, Instrument)
We learned about different kids of instruments by making a book and watching a u tube video. Everyone had fun trying different instruments and making a band.  The kids made paper xylophones, watched movies and read a book about music too!

Language arts- (Letter E)
Aj and Lily practiced writing the letter E.

Art- (arts and crafts, collage)
We made elephants using a pattern. Then we cut and pasted them together. The kids also used stamps, stickers and crayons to make jungle collages.

Mathematics-(Counting by 2's, Geometry)
Lily and Aj did an elephant shape worksheet and they counted by 2's using  peanut place-mats. Lily is working on fractions. (whole, half and fourths). Lily and Aj also measured things around the house including each other!

Science- (Elephants, Mammals)
We spent an entire month learning about elephants and mammals.. Where they live?What they eat? How big they are? What is a mammal? How are elephants and humans alike? We did some read some books to learn about them and we did a couple worksheets.

Field Trip- (Buttonwood Zoo, New Bedford, Ma) 
We went to the Zoo to see the animals especially the elephants. The kids met an elephant caretaker and got to ask questions and talk to her. 

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