Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gramma's Walk

Title: Gramma's Walk 
Author/illustrator: Anna Grossnickle Hines
Copyright: 1993
Summary: A loving relationship between a young boy and his gramma provides an opportunity for using imagination to compensate a handicap. 

This is a wonderful book to learn about summer and the ocean!

Social Studies- (Setting)
The setting where Donnie's gramma lives is never revealed. It could be anywhere.We decided to put our story disk on Florida because it coincided with our family vacation. We did a worksheet on Florida, learned about 3 different oceans and read some books and movies.

Social Studies-(Handicapped)
Gramma has physical disabilities which forces her to use a wheelchair. We talked about disabilities and what a handicapped sign means. We also have been looking for and pointing them out when we go on outings. We read two books about this subject.

Language Arts- (Handwriting, Writing)
We wrote our own stories and copied a page from the book in our best handwriting.

Art- (Water colors, Collage) 
The children painted pictures of sea animals using water colors. They also made collages using construction paper, stickers and ink fingerprints.

Science: (Beaches, Oceans)
There are ocean beaches in many areas of the united states. We talked about the difference in Florida beaches and Cape Cod beaches. Learning about sea animals is always fun. We read books, watched movies and went on an ocean walk on a Cape Cod Beach and a Florida Beach.

Sea animals we learned about- We talked about barnacles, crustaceans and invertebrates.

Books and movies-

Walk on a Cape Cod Beach-

Walk on Florida beach-

Mathematics-(Word Problems, Addition, Subtraction)
The kids worked on ocean word problems using fish counters.

Field Trip-(Nature Study)
We also went to the Gumbo Nature Center in Florida where we saw turtles, eels and fish.

Sensory Activity- (Water Play)
The kids used salt and water to rescue sea animals that where trapped in ice. This fun activity kept them busy for almost and hour.

More Fun- We went out for a lobster and seafood dinner

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