Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Duchess Bakes A Cake

Title: The Duchess Bakes A Cake
Author: Virginia Kahl
Illustrator: Virginia Kahl
Summary: The cake got baked, but the price was high!

This Book was a fun way to learn about the Middle Ages. We played with castles,baked, read books and much more... 

Social studies:(middle ages, Continents, Europe)
Because this book did not give an exact location in which it takes place we decided to place our story disc on Europe. The kids then played a game to review the 7 continents. Lily and Aj also played with their Melissa and Doug Castle with knights and dragons. They also read books and dressed up like knights.

Art: (complementary colors and collages)
Lily and Aj made collages of knights and princesses using construction paper and tin foil. We also talked about complementary colors and they did a coloring worksheet.

Math: (addition and graphing) 
The kids played an addition and subtraction dragon math game and Lily did a graphing worksheet.

Math Continued: (measuring liquids and dry ingredients)
We used measuring cups and spoons to make cupcakes just like in the story.

Science: (Nutrition, Sugar)
We did an experiment to find out how much sugar is in soda, juice and water. The kids found that soda had the most sugar and even though the juice said "no sugar added" it still had a good amount. They also learned that water is the most healthy beverage to drink because it has no sugar and it makes up 70% of our bodies. The kids also read to books about Nutrition.

Language arts-(handwriting, copy-work)
Lily and Aj copied a page from the book in there best handwriting then drew a picture to match.

 Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for our next book and activities!

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