Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Warm as Wool

Title: Warm as Wool
Author: Scott Russell Sanders
Illustrator: Helen Cogancherry
Copyright: 1992
Summary: A woman of vision and financial wisdom faces a need, which results in a herd of sheep and warm children.

Social studies:( geography, prairie life)
We placed our story disk on Connecticut  because in this book the family moved by covered wagon across the United States from Connecticut to The Great Lakes. Lily and Aj did a worksheet about Connecticut, and the Great Lakes. We talked about what items we would bring if we moved across the country. They watched a movie on utube and read books about the Great Lakes. They really enjoyed reading reading Little House on the Prairie and Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingles Wilder. They also got to play with an antique toy covered wagon.

Science: ( sheep, wool)
Lily and Aj learned all about sheep by reading books and doing a worksheet. They also learned some new vocabulary and the kids got to play with sheep wool! ( We also went to a farm and took a closer look at some sheep!)

Mathematics: (subtraction, Addition)
Betsy Ward buys eight sheep from the drover. We did a worksheet about the addition and subtraction problems from this story.

Language Arts: (poetry)
We read Ba Ba Black Sheep and did worksheets related to the poem. We also talked about similes. There are many examples in the story such as " quick as a fox".

Art: ( Drawing sheep, making a diorama)
We learned how to draw sheep using a step by step method. The kids also worked together to make a diorama of a farm with sheep and a log cabin.

Field Trip to Taylor-Bray Farm in Yarmouth Port, Ma-
We went on a morning hike and visited animals at this sheep farm.

                                                            Thanks for reading!

**Worksheets came from www.homeschoolshare.com

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