Thursday, July 9, 2015

Trumans Aunt Farm

Title: Truman's Aunt Farm
Author: Jama Kim Rattigan
Illustrator: G. Brian Karas
Copyright: 1994
Summary: A longed-for Birthday Present turns into a "relative project".

This was a fun book to read and we learned a lot about ants and their habitats. 

Social Studies:(Relationship- Aunts)
The kids placed there story disks on New Hampshire because that's where one of there favorite aunts live. We talked about the relationships that their aunts and uncles have with them.

Language Arts:(Handwriting)
The kids copied a page from the book in their best handwriting.
Lily and Aj loved practicing their addition with an ant math worksheet!

We obtained an ant farm from a toy store and ordered ants in the mail. The kids were so excited when they arrived! The kids observed the ants and made a book of their observations. They also did worksheets on the life cycle of ants and ant cities. 

Art: (Stamps, Bugs and Watercolors)
The first craft the kids did was using there fingers as stamps to make ant pictures. Then they colored bug worksheets and painted with watercolors.

More Fun- (Ants Picnic)
We had a indoor picnic with yummy food and a homemade anthill cake!!

Books read and movies watched

Thanks for reading! 

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