Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wild Horses of Sweetbriar

Title: The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar
Author: Natalie Kinsey-Warnock
Illustrator: Ted Rand
Summary: Hardship of a cold winter make memories to last a lifetime with the wild horses of Sweetbriar.

We are lucky enough to live on Cape Cod so taking a ferry over to Nantucket was easy for us. While we were there we learned about the history of Nantucket. Nantucket is such a beautiful island that I recommend a trip there to anyone who reads this book.

Geography (Massachusetts, Nantucket)- Although The Horses of Sweetbriar is based on a true story, it is assumed that Sweetbriar is a fictitious name for an island off the coast of Nantucket. We decided to spend time learning about the beautiful island of Nantucket.
We placed our story disk on Nantucket and did two work sheets. We also read books about Nantucket.


Art (Japanese Fish printing, Gyotaku)-  Lily and Aj painted plastic fish and then used them as stamps to make fish prints.


Language Arts (Handwriting,Writing)- The kids copied the word Horse in there best handwriting and wrote a short paragraph about a horse. 

Mathematics(Counting by 5's)- Lily did a worksheets counting by 5's to 500 and Aj counted by 5's to 100.

Science (Flora and Fauna)- The kids categorized pictures and put them in groups of either flora or fauna. They also learned about different plants and animals found on Nantucket.

Field Trip to Nantucket- We took a two hour ferry to Nantucket from Hyannis. When we got to the island we explored the streets, visited the Nantucket Whaling Museum and the antique fire station. We also went to Brant Point Lighthouse and the Civil War Memorial. 

On the ferry and ready to depart!

The View when entering Nantucket harbor.

Nantucket Whaling Museum

Civil War Memorial

First Fire Station on Nantucket

Exploring the cobblestone streets

Coast Guard Station and Brant Point lighthouse

Fun at the end of the day and getting ready to go home!

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