Friday, September 18, 2015

Amber on the Mountain

Title:Amber on the Mountain
Author: Tony Johnson
Illustrator: Robert Duncan
Copyright: 1994
Summary: Ever wish you had a friend?Ever have a friend say good-buy to one? Amber receives a special gift of reading from her new friend, and sends a gift of writing when her  friend moves away.

Social Studies:(Switzerland, Mountain Culture)
Although this story doesn't have a particular setting I thought that we should place our story disk on Switzerland and talk about the alps. We read books, colored a flag and map.


Science: (Mountains Habitats, Land Formations)
We learned about mountain habitats and land formations. The kids used clay to make different land forms. They also read books and watched a movie.

The kids wrote down every letter in the alphabet then counted how many letters their were. They also reviewed the months of the year and the days of the week.

Language Arts(Poetic devices-Similes)
A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using connection words such as "like" or "as". We talked about different similes that were found in the book and we also made up our own. Lily and Aj illustrated two of their similes that they made up.

Art:(clay sculpture) The kids made clay mules like Amber from the story. We also went online to see more illustrations done by Robert Duncan.

Field Trip:(New Hampshire, Storyland)
For us to drive to the mountains from where we live is a long ride so we made it a weekend trip. We went to North Conway, NH. On this trip we visited the mountains, went to a general store and met many different childhood characters at Storyland. 

Exploring the mountains

While shopping in an antique general store, we bought some souvenirs and snacks.

 The most fun the kids had was at Storyland. The children got to meet all of their favorite story characters and go into their houses. We went into Heidi's grandfathers home, and met the old women who lived in the shoe and many more...

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