Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Henry the Cast Away

Title: Henry the Castaway
Author: Mark Taylor
Illustrator: Graham Booth
Award: junior Literary Guild Selection
Summary: Henry Loves exploring expeditions, big words and being rescued.

Its fun to explore different places just like Henry in the book. Explores are people who have an excitement in their hearts about seeing new places that are considered remote or unknown.  We went on a expedition and learned about different explorers. The kids loved this book and all the activities we did.

Art: (Water Color Painting)
The illustrations in the book inspired us to paint with water colors. Lily and Aj painted rivers and trees scenes.

Mathematics: (Counting, Tally Marks)
We went through the book and counted pictures of animals. We also did a work sheet on tally marks.

Social Studies / Science: ( Explorers, Survival skills)
We spent the weekend on an adventure. We pretend we were explorers discovering a new land.  We camped, went canoeing and hiked. We also read books, watched movies, colored pictures about Columbus, Lewis and Clark and the vikings.

 We first set out on a canoe trip were we went across the river. We explored trials and wildlife.

At lunch we opened a ready to eat military meal to see what it would be like if we only had these rations to eat. ( The kids liked the crackers and peanut butter but the meals themselves were not that tasty!)


We set up a tent, cooked on a fire and did some more hiking.

                               What a fun adventure! The kids cant wait to go on another.

Here are some of the books and movies we watched!We also colored pictures of Christopher Columbus.

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