Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Anatomy and Psysiology: Unit 2 Skeletal System

 We have been studying about what bones do, bone anatomy, broken bones, ligaments and bone marrow.

Activities we did-
The kids shaped a human body from clay. They used tooth picks as bones to help there figures stand up. They learned that without bones there own bodies would be like jello and fall to the ground.

We also did an experiment using eggs, water and a plastic container. We learned that with out a skull protecting our brain it would break like an egg with out protection.

The kids put together a skeleton and we read a book.

Pages from our Journals

Other Materials Used-
Pop up chart, skeleton

We added a skeleton to our body and added more pictures to our body wall!

 We also dissected a chicken to do an experiment with the bones.  We learned about bone Marrow and calcium. 

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