Thursday, March 10, 2016


Title: Roxaboxen
Author: Alice McLerran
Illustrator: Barbara Cooney
Copyright: 1991
Summary:  Roxaboxen, where children take a real place and enormous imagination and create an incredible town of their own.

We learned all about rocks, deserts and Arizona while reading this book. Lily and Aj enjoyed making there own biome and they can't wait to watch it grow. This book was filled with children and a lot of creativity.

Social Studies: (Geography, Arizona)
We found that the actual Roxaboxen actually did exist in Yuma, Arizona. We found Arizona on a map and placed our story disk there.We learned many facts about Arizona by reading books and watching a movie. The kids also colored a flag and did 3 worksheets about Arizona.

Science: (Precious stones and Gems)
In the story Roxaboxen the children make there home surround by desert glass and stones. This book gave us the perfect opportunity to learn about rocks and gems. We learned and drew a picture of the rock cycle. The kids also had the opportunity to learn about different types of rocks and what their different uses are. We played with a rock and mineral study kit and read books also.

Science: (Desert-Biome)
We made our own Desert  Biome with plants, lava rocks and dinosaurs. The kids can't wait till the plants grow. We also watched a movie and read books about the desert.

Mathematics: (Graphing, Adding, Multiplication, Calendar Skills)
The kids played a graphing game were they rolled a dice and graphed the animal they rolled. Then they used the graph to complete worksheets about adding and multiplication. Lily and Aj also completed worksheet about calendar skills.

Language Arts: (Writing, Copy Work)
Lily and Aj completed worksheets with a desert theme. They copied words and sentences, wrote sentences about cactus and  wrote words that started with the letter "T".

Art:(Acrylic Painting)
The kids painted rocks with acrylic paint. They made there own designs and had fun painting.

Field Trip: (Pet Store)  We took a trip to the pet store to see animals that live in the desert.  We found many reptiles. The kids also had fun looking at animals that don't live in deserts like fish, birds and turtles.

* worksheets come from

Thanks for reading!

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