Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Hatmakers Sign

Title: The Hatmaker's Sign; A Story By Benjamin Franklin
Author: Retold by Candace Fleming
Illustrator: Robert Andrew Parker
Copyright: 1998
Summary: Benjamin Franklin tells a story to try to mollify Thomas Jefferson, as Jefferson fumes over his own writing being charged!


This story was an exciting way to Celebrate the 4th of July. We read it at the perfect time of year. Lily and Alex enjoyed making fireworks with paint and using an antique stamp set.

Social Studies (Geography-Boston, U.S History-Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin)
We took a few minutes and read the Deceleration of Independence. I explained to the children that the story The Hatmaker's Sign is based on story told to Thomas Jefferson by Benjamin Franklin when he wrote The Declaration of Independence.. The kids learned that The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents written in U.S. history. We Also placed our story disk on Boston Because we learned that Benjamin Franklin was born there. We spent some time learning about Mr Franklin. The kids read books and completed worksheets about him. They learned about his inventions, life and contributions to America. Lily and Aj also Copied one of his favorite sayings in their best handwriting.

Mathematics (Counting to 100, Graphing)-
The kids colored a hundred chart worksheet. They also did a graphing project using statue of Liberty worksheets.

Language Arts (Vocabulary, Copywork)-
The children copied vocabulary words in their best handwriting and did a matching worksheet.

Science (Electricity)-
The kids learned that Benjamin Franklin was the first person to discover many things about electricity. He also invented the lightning rod. We decided to use an electric set to learn about electricity. The children made the light, music and propeller work. The kids also watched a movie and read a book about electricity.

Art & Language Arts (Printmaking, Sign Making, Vocabulary)-
Signs are everywhere! We talked about the purpose of signs and the kids learned that a sign informs someone of something. When John Thompson created his sign in The Hatmaker's Sign story he used words and a picture. The children had to create their own signs. While at a Antique store we found an antique print makers kit dated 1824. Lily and Aj used the stamps in this kit to create their signs. They also used the kit to stamp vocabulary words. They had a blast!

Art (Fireworks, Painting)-
The kids painted pictures of the American Flag and made fireworks using toilet paper roll tubes, paint and glitter.

Thanks for reading!

Worksheets are from and homeschool share.

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