Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Grass Sandals

Title: Grass Sandals
Author: Dawnine Spivak
Illustrated: Demi
Copyright: 1997
Summary: The true story of one of the most famous Japanese poets and his marvelous travels. 

This book brought us on a journey to Japan though poetic writing and beautiful pictures. Lily and Aj enjoyed learning about frogs, poetry and Japan.

Social Studies (Geography and Culture of Japan):
The kids Placed their story disk on Japan because that's where Basho (the main character), lived.  We read books, made paper dolls, colored a map and flag of Japan. The kids also were given a book in Japanese and some Japanese Yen to examine. They loved looking at the pictures in the Japanese book even though they couldn't read it! The kids also have been completing pages in a Japanese workbook. 


Mathematics (Addition , Yen) :
Lily and Aj completed a ninja themed addition worksheet and a worksheet about adding Japanese Money.

Science (Frogs, Amphibians, Field trip):
We went to Mystic Aquarium in Ct. to see the Frog Exhibit. There were more then 30 species of frogs from all around the world. There was also many hands on exhibits to explore. We walked around a pond trying to spot fogs on Lily pads. Before we went on our trip the kids watched a u-tube video about amphibians while eating a snack of frog gummies and other treats. Lily and Aj completed pages in their science DK workbooks and we used extra life science worksheets.

Language Arts (Poetry- Haiku)
Lily and Aj learned that Haiku is a form of Japanese Poetry that has a specific pattern. Basho, in our story Grass Sandals was a poet who wrote many Haikus. We read two more books of  Haikus. Then the kids copied two of Basho's Poems in their best handwriting, They also wrote two of their own Haikus.

Art (Artist-Hokusai, Wood Block Painting, Field Trip-Museum of Fine Arts):
We Read a book about the Famous artiest Hokusai. We then colored a picture of his art work "The Wave". The kids also had the opportunity to go to the Museum of Arts in Boston and See this wood block print along with other works of art by Japanese artists.

Extra Fun- Lily and Aj ate sushi and seaweed salad for dinner! 

Thanks for Reading!

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