Thursday, September 8, 2016


Title: Angelo
Author: David Macaulay
Illustrator: David Macaulay
Copyright: 2002
Summary: Wishing that he didn't have to, Angelo nevertheless does a magnificent job of bird rescue.

A fun book about Italy, opera and pigeons. Lily and Aj finished this book and the activities that went along with it. We spent less time on this book then some of the others but the kids did enjoy the story.

Social Studies-(Geography, Italy)
The kids placed their story disk on Italy when they found it on the world map. They also found Italy on the globe. They read 2 books and did 3 work sheets about Italy.

Art-(Cement, Restoration)
Angelo job is to restore old building using cement. We decided to use cement to make a bird bath for our garden. We worked with our friends to complete the project. The kids first picked huge rhubarb leafs. Then they mixed the cement and poured it on the leafs.They waited 24 hours and pulled the leafs off. The bird bath was finished! What a beautiful project for our garden.

Mathematics- (Roman Numerals, Ordinal Numbers, Even and Odd Numbers)
Lily worked on roman numerals and ordinal numbers in her math book. Aj worked on ordinal numbers and even and odd numbers.They both read a picture book about roman numerals.

Lily's work

Ajs work

Science- (Birds, Pigeons)
The kids did a work sheets about bird anatomy and they read a book about pigeons.

Language arts- (Opera, Performing arts)
We talked about how Language arts can be made up of plays, poems and Opera. We watched a clip from sesame street that described what an opera is. We also watched  the Little Red Ridding hood Opera.

Thanks for reading!

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