Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chapter 4- Henry Has Two Surprises

Chapter 4- Henry Has Two Surprises

Chapter 4 Summary
Jessie, Violet and Benny Investigates the mysterious sound in the woods and discover a dog! The dog has a thorn in his paw so Jessie carefully cleans the wound, removes the thorn and bandages his foot. After that, Violet and Benny pick Blueberries for supper while Jessie holds their new friend. When Henry returns from town with milk, bread and cheese, the other children surprise him twice: fresh blueberries and a new watch dog, Watch. After supper, the children decide to make beds out of pine needles inside the boxcar. After they wash by the brook and have a drink of water, they all crawl inside to get a good night's sleep.

What we will cover in this Chapter-
History and Geography:Maine
Science: Blueberries, Baking
Language Arts: Chapter Review, Syllables 

History and Geography-
Where do the Boxcar children live? The book never tells us exactly but we get many clues. In previous chapters we learn that its somewhere wild blueberries can be found and pine needles can be found. With deductive reasoning we can determine that the children could possibly live in Maine.

Lily and Aj read a book and colored a map about Maine. They also found Maine on the United States map and a world globe.

Science- Berry Picking, Baking, Field trip
Since Blueberries are not in season right now we decided to go raspberry picking instead. We also read the book Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey. ( I think we ate more then we brought  home!) We did buy blueberries at the store to make bread. Lily and Aj Measured and mixed all the ingredients together.
                                                                     Field Trip-

Book Read-


Language Arts- The children answered review questions about the chapter and completed a worksheet about syllables.

Thanks for reading. Stay Tuned for chapter 5!

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