Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cranberry Thanksgiving- (Thanksgiving and Fall Fun!)

Cranberry Thanksgiving

Author and illustrator: Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende and Harry Revlon

Story Summary-
Every year Grandmother invited a guest for Thanksgiving dinner and allowed Maggie to do the same. "Ask someone poor or lonely," she always said. Thanksgiving was Grandmother's favorite day of the year. The cooking was done and her famous cranberry bread was cooling on a wooden board. But she wasn't happy to find out Maggie had invited the unsavory Mr. Whiskers to dinner. Would her secret cranberry bread recipe be safe with him in the house? After a long absence this delightful 1971 classic is back. So is Grandmother's secret recipe!

 This is one of our family's favorite thanksgiving books. We re-rowed the story this year. Lily and Aj enjoyed all the activities that go along with this story.

Language arts- (copy work, writing)
We copied a page from the story in our best handwriting and we also copied thanksgiving words. The children wrote about what they are thankful for.

Mathematics: (Geometry, Stem, Sensory Bin, Measuring)
The children used cranberries and toothpicks to make geometric shapes. We also made a sensory bin with water and cranberries. They measured and played in the bin. They also tested some of contraptions they built. Aj made a diving bell and Lily made a boat.

Science: (Baking and Cooking)
The children made cranberry bread and cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving.

Science: (Soda Experiment)
We used cranberries and sprite to make dancing cranberries.

Books and videos: We read tons of books and watched 2 videos about Thanksgiving on You-Tube.

Field trip: We took a walk around a cranberry bog and had fun buying cranberries.

Theater Arts- The children put on a play about Thanksgiving. 

Thanks for reading! Happy Thanksgiving.

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