Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening
Author: Robert Frost
Illustrator: Susan Jefferes
Summery: A counterpoint of verse and illustration draws the reader gentle into a winter night.

This is the second time we have Rowed this book. Lily and Aj love this story and the illustrations. Christmas time is a great time of year to read and complete activities related to the story.

Geography- (New England)
We talked about where the story takes place. The kids guessed it was in New Hampshire. We also reviewed the New England States and they colored a worksheet.

Language arts- (copy work, writing poems,vocab words)
The kids completed copy work about Christmas and they each copied a line from the story we read. Then Lily and Aj each wrote an Acrostic poem.  They also made collages from their new vocab words.

Fine Arts-(Pen and ink Drawing) 
We used a pen and ink to draw pictures of a forest. 

Mathematics- (subtraction)
Lily and Aj completed subtraction worksheets.

Science- (Weather, Field trip)
We went to the weather museum in North Conway,  NH. We learned about wind power, solar power and temperature. Lily and Aj also pretended to be a weather person on television reporting the weather.

Fine Arts- (Making Snow Flakes)
The kids used flour tortillas and scissors to make snow flakes. Then we baked them in the oven and added cinnamon and sugar, They ate them with a bowl of ice cream.

Physical Activities- The kids skied, sled and played outside.

Book station this month- We read many holiday books and books about winter.

Thanks for reading!

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