Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thomas A. Edison- Chapter 1

Chapter Summary-
We are introduced to six- year-old Tom Edison. The Edison family resides in Milan, Ohio and the year is 1853. One morning, Tom has a great idea. Since warmth is what causes baby goslings to hatch and tom is much larger and warmer than his goose Lulu, Tom concluded that if  he sits on the eggs they will hatch quickly! Grabbing some ham and biscuits to sustain himself, Tom runs out to the hen house to test the idea. After sitting carefully on the eggs for most of the afternoon, Toms mother, Nancy comes out to find him. Finding him sitting atop the eggs, Nancy Edison laughs and laughs. Realizing his experiment isn't working, Tom heads back to the house to help with the chores.

What we will cover in this chapter-
History and Geography- The great lakes, The Erie Canal
Language Arts- Copy Work
Fine Arts- Folk Music "The Erie Canal"

Language Arts- (copy Work)
The kids copied a line from the song "Erie Canal" in their best handwriting.

Fine Arts- Folk Music"The Erie Canal", 
Lily and Aj made up a dance to the song "The Erie Canal"

Books Read and Music we listened to-

Field trip-  (National Canal Museum)
We went to the National Canal Museum in Pennsylvania this past summer. We looked at pictures and discussed our experience.  The kids rode in a boat pulled by a donkey. It was such a blast!

Thanks for reading! Check out our next chapter of activities!

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