Monday, March 6, 2017

Chapter 4- Off For A New Home

Chapter Summary-
Moving day has finally arrived! The Edison's are busy at work, parking everything they own into crates. Bustling around the house, Mrs. Edison shouts out last-minute orders under coats and hats. As they are about to leave, Tannie, Toms's sister, finds a suspicious looking box in the attic. The top of the box is covered in holes. Tom begs his mother to take the box, and before they discover whats inside, Toms mother is distracted by the wagon arriving and goes outside. In the box is Tom's special goose Lulu.

What we will cover in this chapter:
Science- Inventing packing for breakables
Fine Arts- Drawing Illustrations- The Edison's home.

Science-(Inventing packing for breakables)
Toms family had to move everything they own very carefully into boxes and crates. They had to make sure their items were not broken when they reached their new how. The kids had an assignment to try to invent "packing" that would allow an uncooked egg to drop without breaking. They used materials found around the house. They both were able to complete this experiment.

Fine Arts-(Drawing Illustrations, The Edison's home)
I encouraged the children to be the illustrator for this chapter. They listen to the story and drew a picture of what they thought the Edison's home looked like. We also read a book about color and how to place color in our drawings.

Thanks for reading!

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