Friday, June 26, 2020

Marie curie- Chapter 3: Growing up

Chapter Summary-
Manya, along with her siblings, graduate from high school with honors. Manya takes a year off and spends time in the country with his relatives. She has a wonderful time and returns home. She is ready to work hard and help her family. Manya takes a job as a governess to help her sister attend medical school. She does not regret her decision even though she wants to go to school too.

What we will learn in this chapter:
History and Geography- The Alpes  and the Carpathian Mountains
Science: Louis Pasteur
Fine Arts- Kulig Streamers and Sleigh Bells

History and Geography- The Alpes and the Carpathian Mountains
Lily and Aj found the Carpathian and the Alps on a map. They then watched a video and completed a reading comprehension worksheet about European Mountain Ranges. 

Science: Louis Pasteur
The kids watched a video about Louis Pasteur and his discovers on Germ Theory and Pasteurization. They also read about Pasteur and completed a worksheet. 

Fine Arts- Kulig Streamers
The kids enjoyed completing an arts and class project using markers , glue and scissors. They created polish ribbons that would. Be found on a sleigh at a Kulig. (Winter festival) 

Thanks for reading! 

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