Tuesday, May 30, 2023

April and May activities-2023

The kids have been very busy lately with a variety of activities. Both kids recently went to an art museum. AJ went to a maritime museum, and both kids competed in a dance competition. AJ also helped out at a farm while Lily went to see the animals. 

The art museum was a great experience for my kids. They got to see a lot of different art, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs. They were particularly interested in the paintings of Vincent van Gogh. They also enjoyed learning about the history of art.

The maritime museum was also a lot of fun for my son. He got to see a lot of different boats and martime tools. He also learned about the history of sea fearing.

My kids were very excited to compete in the dance competition. He had been practicing for weeks, and they were determined to do their best. They each danced a solo, and did amazing.  

My son also helped out at a farm recently. He got to feed the animals, help walk thr mini ponies and ride the horses. Lily went to the farm also. She played with the animals.

Some of the other activities that my kids did recently is spring skiing, beach clean up days. I'm also adding pictures of Easter and memorial day. Lily won an award at Skills USA also. 

I'm so proud of my children for all of his accomplishments. They are hard workers, and their always willing to try new things. I'm excited to see what they do next!

Thanks for reading 📚 😀 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

A busy few weeks! ❤️

What a busy few week AJ has had! Let's take a look at everything he accomplished during his last few homeschooling weeks. 

For school work, he spent a lot of time working on math and science. He tackled some challenging algebra problems and learned about photosynthesis in biology. He also spent some time working on his writing, and practicing grammar. 

In addition to his school work, he had dance, Karate and horseback riding lessons. He has been diligently practicing ballet technique and riding skills continue to improve with each lesson. Keep up the hard work, these activities are a great way for him to stay active and improve coordination.

He also had his Civil Air Patrol meetings. It's impressive that he's involved with such a great organization that helps develop leadership skills, discipline, and teamwork.

When he had some free time, he decided to indulge in some baking. His cookies turned out fantastic and were a hit with the family.  

Don't forget AJ helps at the family business. He puts together furniture and greets customers. 

Last but not least, AJ had his birthday and his braces were put on! What a fantastic couple weeks. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

2022-2023 - This year has gone by so quickly!

Time truly flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? As we near the end of the homeschool year, it's hard to believe how quickly it has gone by. It seems like just yesterday that we were beginning our lessons, and yet here we are, already nearing the finish line.

Looking back on the year, it's been a great one. While there have been challenges along the way, as there always are in any learning journey, overall it's been a successful and rewarding experience. Our children have made great progress and have learned so much, and we've also had fun and made many great memories together.

As we wrap up this year and look ahead to the next, I'm excited to see how our journey will continue in the future. Both children will be in public school next year. Life has been a wonderful experience so far, and I have no doubt that it will only continue to get better.


Monday, May 23, 2022

2021-2022 in review

Well it's been a busy and crazy year. One child is in Public high-school and one is at home with me still.

 Lily has been doing great in school. She is enjoying 9th grade and has gotten on the honor roll for the last 2 trimesters. She is still dancing. She added art club and Civil Air Patrol to her list of extra-curricular activates. Lily will be confirmed this year at church. She can't wait until summer with no homework. 

AJ received his black belt in Karate. He is also enjoying school at home. He has been part of many classes and field trips this year. He has been dancing, flying planes and participating in Civil Air Patrol. 

I'm going to post some pictures of some activities from this past year. 

 Keep up to date on my Facebook page for more pictures and fun! 

Thank you for reading!!