Friday, June 29, 2012


Learning about Antarctica in the summer time has been a challenge. It's hard to get the kids to think about snow and cold weather when its so hot out! We colored a map, learned about what you wear in cold climates and talked about animals that are found living in Antarctica.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eating Healthy

This month is national dairy month so we are learning about healthy eating habitats! We drew a picture of of our favorite lunch, read some books and did a worksheet.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Lily and Aj loved learning about the volcanoes when we were reading Grandfathers Journey so we decided to build our own.

We made salt dough to shape it!

Building our volcano!

Painting it!

Watching it explode!

The books and movie we watched!

Grandfathers Journey

We read the book Grandfathers Journey. This book wraps up our month about the Asian content. The gentlemen in this book travels from Japan to America. Lily and Aj loved the story and the pictures. Here are the activities we did along with the book. Social Studies(geography,culture of Japan, California )- We colored a map of Japan and learned that Japan is an island. We tryed writing with Japanese characters and we ate peanutbutter,jelly and marshmallows sandwiches shapped like Sushi.We read and learned about California too! Mathematics(counting,calendar,days in a week)-we used our calendars to determine what day,month and year it is. Lily and Aj counted how many days in the week. We also used block counters to find out how many days grandfather was on the boat to California. They counted 21 days, which equals 3 weeks.We also read a book about the days of the week. Science(land forms,habitats,biomes)- We learned about different land forms including islands and volcanoes. We used playdough to make an island, mountain and forest. Here are some books and a movie we watched. Art(origami)- we folded paper into bowls. Then we ate a snack out of it!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

June Book Station

This month we will be reading books about summer, Benjamin Franklin, hot air balloons and other flying machines. We also will be learning about nutrition and how to take care of our bodies. Learning about Asia last month was fun. We will be finishing it up this month and moving on to Antarctica by the end of the month.
Aj wants to continue with space this month and lily wants to learn about birds and bird calls. Here are some of the books they picked.