Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Katy and the Big Snow

Katy and the Big Snow

Written and illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton

Summary- Katy becomes a heroine as she finally gets her chance to work and fulfills her responsibilities.

We read this book at the perfect time of the year. There was plenty of snow and winter activities to go along with this book. Lily and Aj especially enjoyed the experiments. Check out all of the fun we had!

Social studies(running a city,snow plows,responsibility)
Lily and Aj built an imaginary city out of blocks.Then they put important buildings in their town. We then used cotton balls to cover our city with snow. Aj really enjoyed plowing the snow from the cities roads. We talked about what responsibilities people who work for small towns have in order to make it run smoothly. After building this city we read a book about snow plows.

Social studies(maps skills,compass,street signs) I introduced the directions: North,South,East and West. Lily and Aj learned about maps and we learned how to use a compass. We also reviewed street signs. On a walk around our neighborhood we went on a street sign hunt.We also read a couple books and did a worksheet.

We learned how to summarize the story we read. Lily and Aj picked out the most important parts of the book and rewrote the story in their own words.

We made it rain using water, food coloring, shaving cream and water droppers.We also made a tornado in a bottle using water,food coloring and oil.After doing our experiments Lily and Aj played with shaving cream. We also read two books on weather.

I put out different tools for measuring and let Lily and Aj play with snow in the house. We also measured snow before and after it melted. They had fun looking at snow under magnifying glasses too.

Art and Math-(counting by 5's)
The kids spent the afternoon finger painting. When they were done we skip counted how many fingers we painted. Lily also did 2 worksheets on counting by 5's.

Lily and Aj used stickers and cotton balls to make a winter scene from the book.

Field trip (hiking in NH)
We went on a family hike to see how the snow blankets the landscape.we also got to see a frozen lake and tons of animal tracks.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Winter Vacation

Sledding fun

McDonald's fun

Shopping fun

Mountain coaster



Train station

Eating,reading and fun

Rock Shop

A Hike at Echo lake

Childrens Museum North Conway