Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Story of Ferdinand

Title: The Story of Ferdinand
Author: Munro Leaf
Illustrator: Robert Lawson
Copyright: 1936
Category: Classic
Summary: Every bull might not be alike, but Ferdinand has to go to such lengths to make his point.

This was a fun story to read and explore. We didn't do as many activities as we normally do with our books because we had so much to do this month. We may do more activities in the future.....

Social Studies-(Geography, Spain)
We placed our story disk on Spain. The kids learned about Spain and its culture by reading 2 books and searching for information online. Lily drew a map and flag free hand. Both Lily and Aj colored in a book of word colors in Spanish.

Mathematics ( Number 1-20)- The kids did a math maze worksheet.

Art ( line, color and drawing composition)-
We used ordinary shapes to make a abstract composition. We used white paper, water colors, objects to trace, all colored crayons including white.  First the kids traced objects on the white paper. Then they used crayons to draw stripes, patterns and designs on their shapes. Last they used watercolors to paint over their drawing.The crayon  resisted the watercolors.

Language arts (copy work, vocabulary)- Lily copied a page from the book in her best handwriting. Also both kids traced letters and colored pictures of words found in the story.

Extra fun- Coloring a picture of the cover of the book was fun and we talked about what activities we like to do.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Henri Rousseau inspired art!

The kids became familiar with the art created by Henri Rousseau by looking at paintings and reading about him. Then they made jungle collages using glue and construction paper.

Celebrating Memorial day!

We celebrated memorial day by reading a few books about the holiday and going to a cook out where we played fun games.

Playing lawn twister and spoon egg races

Books Read-

May in Review

Foam art collages-

Heritage Museum and gardens-  Making art, Headbands, gardens and enjoying being outside


Playing outside-

Playing a reading matching card game-

Beautiful day to celebrate Grampa Freds life-


Painting birdhouses at art class-

Trip to the general store and playground-

Learning about ants -( also feeding them goldfish while playing outside)

Playground fun-

Feeding chickens and horses and collecting eggs-

Practicing for barrel races-

Making music-

Playing outside-

Lily's skiing picture-

Horsemanship fun-

Art Class- Making jewelry,capes, nests and tree houses.

Sienna Birthday party-