Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Day in Harvard Square!

We spent the day in Harvard Square walking around the Harvard campus. We visited the Natural  Museum of History and the Peabody Museum. We also went to the Curious George store too!

Harvard Natural History Museum

Peabody  Museum 

Walking Around Harvard Square

Daniel's Duck

Title: Daniels's Duck
Author: Clyde Robert Bulla
Illustrator: Joan Sandin
Copyright: 1979
Summary: A true artiest wants to create. He thinks his project over carefully, and often has deep feelings about it!
This book was a heartwarming story of a little boy who worked so hard to make a craved wooden duck. Aj and Lily enjoyed the story and the pictures. Here are all the activities we did along with the book.

Social Studies:(Geography, Tennessee)
The story of Daniels's Duck takes place in Tennessee. We found Tennessee on the World Map and placed our story disk on it. We then did  a puzzle about the United States. The Kids also did a coloring sheet about Tennessee. We read books and watched a movie to learn about Davy Crockett.

Language Art:(writing, quotations)
Both Lily and Aj wrote a short story about ducks. I also talked about quotation marks and Lily did a page from her handwriting without tears book.

Art:(field trip, sculpture)
In this story the boy is carving a duck out of wood. We decided to make sculptures using Kinetic Sand. We also went on a field trip to the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum in Boston. The children where able to see many stone sculptures and Italian art. They brought there sketch books and created there own sketches.

Kinetic Sand Sculptures

Art Museum Field Trip-

Science: (seasons, winter)
We talked about the 4 seasons and how each one is different. We then did a activity where the children had to decorate the same tree in each different season. They also used cotton balls to make a winter scene. We then did 2 experiments. The first one was blowing bubbles outside to see if bubble would freeze when it is cold out. The second was a water density experiment using ice, food coloring and water. We then read books about the Winter  season.

Blowing bubbles outside-

Water Density Experiment-

Books read-

Mathematics: (greater then and less then)
The kids did a duck math worksheets. They practiced greater then and less then.