Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Gullywasher

Tile: The Gullywasher
Author: Joyce Rossi
Illustrator: Joyce Rossi
Copyright: 1995
Summary: In the manner of all the good tall tales, Grandfather spins out explanations of how he has come to be the man he is. Lovingly warm and breathtaking illustrated, this story will thoroughly entertaining.


Lily and Aj enjoyed this book and loved all the activities that went along with it.

Social Studies: (Geography, Mexico)-
The author never tells us exactly where the story takes place but we can guess it is set in Mexico. We place our story disk on Mexico. The kids colored maps, learned about the Mexican culture and a few words in Spanish. We also read books and watched a u tube video about mexico.

Science: (Weather, Lightning)-
The entire story of The Gullywasher revolves around a giant thunderstorm. We spent our time learning about thunderstorms. We did 2 experiments and read many books on the subject. The first experiment was fun because the kids could make there own lightning using a dish cloth, pan and a screw driver. The next experiment was making electricity using a balloon. The children also learned what to do if outside in a storm and they did a few worksheets on the subject.

Art: (Arts and Crafts, Field trip to Cape Cod Art Museum)-
We made Mariachi band members from card board, paper and markers. We also went to the Cape Cod Art Museum to see clay pots and other works of art.

Mathematics: (Measuring, Graphing)-
The children each did a graphing assignment and a worksheet about measuring in a cowboy theme.

Language Arts: (Copy work, Alphabetical Order, Reading)
Both children read a short story and then found sight words in that story. They also put words in alphabetical order, did copy work and wrote about their favorite part of the story.

More books that we read this month -

**Work sheets come from 3dinosaurs.com** 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Heritage Museum and Gardens

We spent the day at Heritage Museum and Gardens. We went into the Art Museum,  Hollywood costume exhibit and Hidden Hollow.  The kids also had lots of fun exploring the outdoors.