Saturday, April 8, 2023

A busy few weeks! ❤️

What a busy few week AJ has had! Let's take a look at everything he accomplished during his last few homeschooling weeks. 

For school work, he spent a lot of time working on math and science. He tackled some challenging algebra problems and learned about photosynthesis in biology. He also spent some time working on his writing, and practicing grammar. 

In addition to his school work, he had dance, Karate and horseback riding lessons. He has been diligently practicing ballet technique and riding skills continue to improve with each lesson. Keep up the hard work, these activities are a great way for him to stay active and improve coordination.

He also had his Civil Air Patrol meetings. It's impressive that he's involved with such a great organization that helps develop leadership skills, discipline, and teamwork.

When he had some free time, he decided to indulge in some baking. His cookies turned out fantastic and were a hit with the family.  

Don't forget AJ helps at the family business. He puts together furniture and greets customers. 

Last but not least, AJ had his birthday and his braces were put on! What a fantastic couple weeks.