Monday, December 1, 2014

Wee Gillis

Title: Wee Gillis
Author: Munro Leaf
Illustrator: Robert Lawson
Copyright: 1983
Award: Caldecott Honor Book
Summary: A young lad with a big decision to make finds a way to be himself.

Social Studies:(Geography,Scotland)
The story takes place in Scotland so we placed our story disc on our world map. The kids colored flags, did worksheets, watched a video on u-tube about Scotland and the Loch Ness monster. They also read books, watch a movie and ate shortbread cookies.

Language arts:(Poetry, Robert Burns, Handwriting)
The Kids learned about Robert Burns by watching a video, copying one of his poems in their best handwriting. We also listened to his poetry on a CD and read a book.

Art: ( Painting, Lines)
At our Home school co-op this past week we made line mosaics. The kids used q-tips to paint paper tiles.

Mathematics: (Calendar, Months in the year)
We reviewed the moths of the year and read a book.

Science- ( Respiratory system)
We learned about our Lungs and respiratory system. We read a book, did worksheets and made our own lung using a plastic bag and straw.

Extra fun-
We rented the movie Wee Gillis from the Library. We also read a fictional book about the Loch Ness Monster!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned to the next book!

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