Sunday, November 20, 2016

Box Car Children: Chapter 6, A Queer Noise in the Night

Chapter 6
Chapter Summary:
Henry shows the children what he has in his bundles: brown bread, milk, dried meat and a bone for Watch. While the four Alden children happily eat their meal, Henry tells them about his day. Having decided to go to Silver City instead of Greenfield, Henry says he walked through the town. Noticing a man pushing a lawn mower, Henry offered to Finish the job.The man, Dr. Moore, is very tired of working and gratefully hands Henry the mower. After Finishing the lawn and doing more odd jobs later that afternoon, Dr. Moore, pays Henry one dollar and asks Henry to please come again the next day. The children finish their wonderful dinner, thankful Henry has found work. That night as they get ready for bed, however, Henry and Jessie hear a strange cracking sound in the woods. Concerned they listen closely. Finally, they decide it is just an animal sound and thee children fall to sleep.

What we will cover in this chapter:
History and Geography: Pioneer life in America
Fine arts: Make a Collage 
Language Arts: Review Questions

History and Geography: Pioneer life in America
Because the Boxcar children live in the woods , they do many things like pioneers did. We learned about the american pioneers and this gave us a wonderful opportunity to talk about Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little house on the Prairie books.  The kids took a 6 week class at our homeschool co-op based on the Little house series while we read The Box Car Children. In this class the kids made butter, wagons and log cabins. They were hands on with antiques, read books, made journals, played games and learned a lot about pioneer life.

Here are some of the highlights of what Lily and Aj learned.

To see more of the activities Lily and Aj completed about pioneers follow this link.

Fine Arts- Making a Collage
Art is emotion. Lily and Aj created a college that represents fall and how they are feeling. The kids used construction paper, buttons and tissue paper to make their masterpieces. 

Language Arts: Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed a review question worksheet about the chapter.

Thanks for reading. Chapter 7 is next!

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