Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chapter 3- A New Home in the Woods

Chapter 3- A New Home in the Woods

Chapter Summary-
The children are awakened in the woods to thunder and blowing wind. Jessie, after a little walk, comes upon an old abandoned boxcar. The tracks are rusted and the weeds surrounding the boxcar suggest it is not in service. All four children climb into the boxcar and shut the door. After the storm is over, they discover the boxcar is situated by a lovely brook and the children decide to set up "house" in the old train car. Henry announces he is going into town to buy some milk for Benny. Just as Henry leaves, Jessie tells Violet and Benny she has noticed some blueberries growing nearby. The three get ready to go Blueberry Picking, but suddenly they hear a mysterious cracking sound in the woods.

History and Geography: The Golden Spike in railroads
Language Arts: Review Questions
Mathematics: Calculations based on the Transcontinental Railroad

History and Geography-
Jessie finds an unusual home in this chapter- an old train boxcar! Trains are very interesting form of transportation. Perhaps the single most significant event in history occurred on May 10, 1869. That date sealed the joining of the first Transcontinental railroad.

I took this opportunity to teach the children about the transcontinental railroad. Lily and Aj watched 2 movies on you-tube and completed a worksheet. They also examined a map of the United States and read books about trains.

The children also enjoyed putting together their antique "G scale" electric train as a family.

Language Arts-  Lily and Aj answered review question about the book.

Mathematics- Lily and Aj completed a math worksheet about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned to chapter 4!

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