Sunday, December 4, 2016

Box Car Children: Chapter 7- A Big Meal from Little Onions

Chapter 7-
Chapter Summary:
         The morning after hearing the strange noise, Henry and Jessie discuss the situation. Deciding it must have been a person in the woods, Henry advises Jessie not to leave the younger children unattended. Jessie agrees and after a brief conversation with Benny about a new "building" project, Henry leaves for work. When he arrives at Dr. Moore's home, he is quickly put to work thinning vegetables in the garden. Mrs. Moore, the doctor's mother, gives him a dollar at noon, compliments him on hiss job, and asks him to return after lunch. Henry is able to take the little vegetables he thinned home with him and on the way purchases some meat.
         While he was at work Jessie and Benny worked on a new fireplace!! When he gives Jessie the meat and vegetables she immediately starts a stew for supper. After lunch, Henry goes back to the doctor's house and is told to organize the garage. He does a wonderful job and Dr. Moore gives him one of four hammers Henry found along with a bunch of old nails. Henry Collects another dollar and heads home, heads high and heart glad. He excitedly shows the children his new hammer and they all sit down to enjoy a wonderful meal. After dinner, Henry takes Benny's wheels and his new hammer and builds a cart. They all go to sleep, well fed and happy.

What we will learn in this chapter:
Language Arts: Literary Enrichment- Stone Soup, Narration, Review Questions. 
Science- Cooking

Language Arts: Literary Enrichment- Stone Soup, Narration, Review Questions
The children completed stories on their own for Literary Enrichment.  Aj is reading Hot Fox Soup in his reading book. He read the story, answered the questions and completed the activities about the story. Lily is reading Moving day and Hermit Crabs in her Reading book. She completed the questions and wrote a short narration. The kids watched the video of the story Stone Soup by Marcia Brown. Lily and Aj also completed two review question work sheets about the Box Car Children.

Science: Cooking
After Watching the video of the story Stone Soup the kids and I decided to make Beef Stew. We used many of the same ingredients the Box Car Children made in their soup. Lily and Aj worked hard chopping, measuring and sauteing. The Stew came out delicious. 

Thanks for Reading. Chapter 8 is next!

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