Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Chapter 16- Moving Pictures

Parent Summary-

The Wild West Show is in Port Huron! Tom and his friend, James Clancy, are very excited! Before they leave for the show, however, Tom is hard at work on an experiment. By rubbing a glass jar with a piece of silk then laying cut paper dolls against the glass, Tom can make the dolls dance' from the static electricity. Tom tells James he wishes he could harness that electricity to their telegraph. Then they wouldn't need batteries!

The boys leave to go to the Wild West Show and when they arrive people are already milling about. The panorama show was great! Tom is amazed that some people scream and act frightened just from the drawings on the huge canvas.

After the show, Tom tells James he wants to invent an device that will show people actual moving pictures, instead of just a drawing. James doesn't understand how Tom plans accomplishing something so amazing, but by now he is used to his inventive friend, Tom Edison!

What we will cover in this chapter-
Science: Electricity
Fine Arts- Panorama

Science- Electricity
In this chapter Tom makes his dolls move, almost like magic. We talked about how Electricity is a form of energy. It is all around us and its made up of tiny particles called electrons. The kids opened their electric set to learn more about current electricity.They followed the guide book and made a light bulb and a fan work. They enjoyed this activity.

Fine Arts- Panorama,
Tom and James go to see a Panorama picture show. We talked about the evolution of entertainment. We started talking about jugglers, then we talked about hand drawn panoramas. The kids put their creativity to work drawing there own panorama on a long white piece of paper.

Thanks for Reading!

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