Saturday, January 21, 2012

Its winter!

We finally have snow! The kids were so excited to go outside today. They played,measured and took the temperature of the snow.


  1. So fun, huh? Two fun things we did recently that they might enjoy are (1) packing containers with snow, taking them inside and then noticing how the height of the snow as versus the height of the melted snow are. Then, pouring the melted snow through a coffee filter to see if snow is really clean and (2) doing color mixing in the snow by painting snow with basters (or nasal aspirators) and colored water or colored water in spray bottles. another experiment we have yet to do is taking the snow's temperature at the surface and then burying the thermometer to see how snow insulates and creates more warmth... Now, off to church and sledding. enjoy all the snow!

    1. Great ideas! I love the painting one. We might do that today.. thanks enjoy your day!
