Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Papa Piccolo

Papa Piccolo
Author: Carol Talley
illustrator: Itoko Maeno
Summary: A thomcat finds responsibilities, joys, and satisfaction as he decides to adopt kittens.

This book was such a good choice for my kids for a number of reasons. First of all it was a lighthearted story that both Lily and Aj enjoyed the first time we read it. Second, since we got a cat a few months ago Lily and Aj have had tons of questions about him and they wanted to know how to care for him. We had fun learning about our new cat. Check out what activities we did that correlated with this story.

Social studies-(Geography,flags)
This story Papa Piccolo takes place in Venice Italy. We put a story disk on Italy on the map of the world. Lily and Aj also found Italy on our globe. They colored a map of Italy and made a flag out of construction paper. We also read some books on Italy.

Social Studies-(family relationships,homeless and adoption)
We learned a family can be made up of a different combination of people. We talked about different ways a child could be brought into a family like adoption or being born into a family. Lily and Aj learned it doesn't matter who is in your family or what kind of family you have. All that matters is the love you share between the members. We did a picture of "our family". We read some books, watched a movie and painted a self portrait using golf balls and paint.

Art-(water color paining, Italian city scene)
In the book Papa Picciolo the medium that the illustrator used was watercolor. Lily and Aj decided to make water color paintings. They made their water color paintings of an Italian city scene with gondolas and water ways.

Lily and Aj did a cat puzzle with numbers on it. We also played a graphing game with cats and dice.

Language-(alphabet,Letter C, reading and matching words)
Since we were learning all about cats Aj learned about the letter c. I helped Lily read a short paragraph about cats and she matched word cards to the words in the paragraphs. Both kids did worksheets about the alphabet.

Science-(cats,pet care)
We learned all about taking care of our cat and other pets . Lily and Aj now help feed and brush our cat every day.

Field Trip- We went to The MSPCA to see all the animals. We learned all about animal care and adoption.

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