Friday, February 21, 2014

Heart Month and Fitness February!!

This month we spent a lot of time learning about our bodies, how to stay healthy and our hearts!

Learning about our heart!
We made a heart out of a plastic bag, crayons, straws and construction paper. This let us see how our hearts pump blood in and out of our bodies.

Learning how much blood is in our body by measuring 5 quarts of water and putting it into a bucket.

Look our fist is the same size of our hearts

Heart work sheets we did!

Looking at a circulatory system poster.

Books we read and craft we did about what the inside of our body looks like

Learning how to stay healthy by exercising!

Field trip to Children's Museum

We did an experiment in the science room using balloons, vinegar and baking soda

We learned about eating healthy, wearing helmets, germs and our back bones.

Arts and craft time
We made tooth holders, germs and colored a skeleton.

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