Monday, October 10, 2016

The Raft

Title: The Raft
Author: Jim LaMarche
Illustrator: Jim LaMarche
Copyright: 2000
Summary: A boy's Disappointment turns into discovery one summer at a lake.

The kids loved making rafts and playing in a river. They asked me to read this book to them over and over again. Lily and Aj cant wait to go on canoeing trip next summer!

Social Studies- (Geography: Wisconsin)
The setting of the Raft takes places in the Wisconsin woods. We found Wisconsin on our map and placed our story disk there. Lily and Aj read two books and completed a worksheet about Wisconsin.

Mathematics-(Adding and Subtracting) 
The kids practiced adding and subtracting while playing a frog matching game.

Language arts-(Copy Work) 
The kids copied a page from the book in their best handwriting.

Science-(Rivers, Water Cycle)
The kids read books and listened to a book on tape. They also completed 2 pages each in their DK workbooks.

Art and Science-(Building, Rivers)
The kids built and designed rafts out of popsicle sticks. Then they went down to the river to see if they float. They also put their life jackets on and explored the river. They saw fish, heron, birds and many other animals and plants.

Extra fun- (Making Corn Bread)

Thanks for reading!

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