Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chapter 6 - The House in the Grove

Chapter Summary-
The Edison's complete the final chapter of their journey to Port Huron. They pass the area schoolhouse on their way to their new home. His parents tell him he must go to school soon. Finally, they turn onto a narrow road and see a large white house straight ahead. Mrs. Edison is shocked by how big their new house is and Tom runs off to explore the grounds. Soon they begin to move things into their new home, and Tom and Pitt spend the better part of the day helping their mother insulate the floors with straw. After the family eats supper, they decide to name their new home. "The house on the grove" The next afternoon, Mr. Edison takes Tannie back to the train station and sends her back to Milan. That evening, the family sits and listens to Mr. Edison read The Detroit Free Press about current events. Tom listens closely to stories about President Fillmore and Commodore Perry. he is interested in the concept of trade and commerce. Learning things from his father's reading becomes a wonderful tool for Tom.

What we will cover in this Chapter-
History and Geography: President Fillmore
Science: Tree Identification

History and Geography: President Fillmore
In this story Tom listens to stories about President Fillmore as his father reads from the local newspaper. We learned some interesting facts about President Fillmore. The kids enjoyed watching two videos, reading a story and coloring a picture about the 13th president.

Science: Tree Identification 
We went on a hike on a beautiful winter day. We talked about the different kinds of trees we saw. Some examples are pine, oak and maple. We also learned the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees. When we got home Lily and Aj completed two pages in our science work book about conferees trees and carnivorous plants.

Thanks for reading!!

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