Monday, March 27, 2017

Chapter 7- First Day of School

Parent Summary-
Tom's first day of school arrives. With Pitt and his mother by his side, Tom sets out for the one-half mile walk to his new schoolhouse. Tom has heard bad stories about his new schoolmaster, MR. Crawford, but he tries to be optimistic. When Tom arrives, Mr Crawford tells him that even though he is seven, Tom must be in first grade since he has no formal schooling. The rest of Toms day does not go any better. He is sent to the corner for drawing pictures instead of doing his penmanship, and his lunch is stolen by the biggest boy in class. That boy, Michael Oats, however, decides to befriend Tom and the lunch hour becomes the best part of his day.

What will we cover in this chapter:
History and Geography: One- Room Schoolhouses
Mathematics: One half mile- How far is that?
Language Arts: Penmanship Review

History and Geography: One- Room Schoolhouses 
Tom's School was a one-room schoolhouse. All the grades from kindergarten up were taught in the same classroom. Because we are a homeschool family it is not much different in our house today.  We spent some time discussing many different types of schools which included private, public, boarding, military, etc.... We also looked at pictures of one room schoolhouses and orally answered questions. Then we had discussion about them. Lily and Aj completed a worksheet about one-room schoolhouses too.

Mathematics: One Half Mile- How far is that?
Tom walked one half mile to school. The children completed a worksheet about distance. Also, while we were talking about one-room schoolhouses I had them answer sample math questions orally like they did in the 1800's.

Langue Arts- Penmanship Review
Lily  and Aj completed a page in the "Handwriting without Tears" workbook.

Thanks for Reading!

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