Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chapter 10-Philadelphia Winter

Chapter Summary-
Its now the winter of 1766 and Betsy is fourteen. In Philadelphia, the winters are hard and many people become ill. The Griscom family house is no exception.This winter Betsy and her mother are the only one who remain well, taking care of there house and everyone else. Mrs. Griscom wakes Betsy in the middle of the night and frantically tells her to fetch because her father is sick. The Dr. The Dr. arrives and gives her father medication and by the following week the household is feeling better.

What we will learn-
History- (Alexander Fleming, Antibiotics )
Science-  (Sickness, Germs, Medication safety)
Language Arts- (writing)

History-(Alexander Fleming)
The kids learned that Alexander Fleming Invented Penicillin. It was the first antibiotic discovered. Lily and Aj watched a video on you-tube about how Penicillin was discovered. They also completed a worksheet and a word search about Fleming.

Science-(Medication Safety, Sickness, Germs)
We talked about the difference between over the counter vs. Perception medicine. We also talked about never taking medicine or drugs without the supervision of a parent or trusted adult. The kids completed a Venn-diagram worksheet about medicines. We also learned to read medicine labels. Lily and Aj  completed a pre-assignment test. They kids  read 2 books about germs. (worksheets and lesson plan was from scholastic.com- All about Medicine)

Language Arts- (writing)
Lily and Aj completed a writing assignment . The assignment was to write about something you would like to discover one day. They used there tablets to type their answers. 

Thanks for reading!

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