Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chapter 12- The Quotation

Chapter Review-
Betsy is very excited at the possibility of sewing a sampler. She asks her father for permission and he says yes. Betsy thanks her father and sets out to find which bible verse to use. She decided on Leviticus 25:10.

What we will learn in this chapter-
History and Art- (The Bible, Drawing)

History and Art-(The Bible, Drawing)
Betsy and her family see that the bible is a very important part of their faith. Betsy notices how many little "books" make up the bible. This is a great opportunity to learn about the framework of the bible. Lily and Aj watched a video on you-tube about the different books of the bible. They learned about the books of the Old Testament and New Testament. They also decorated the book marks with the books of the bible on the back of the book marks. They completed a how to draw a bible worksheet and put the picture of the bible on front of their book marks.

Thanks for Reading!

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