Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Armadillo Rodeo

Title: Armadillo Rodeo
Author and Illustrator: Jane Brett
Published: 1995


When Bo spots what he thinks is a "rip-roarin', rootin'-tootin', shiny red armadillo," he knows what he has to do. Follow that armadillo! Bo leaves his mother and three brothers behind and takes off for a two-stepping, bronco-bucking adventure. Jan Brett turns her considerable talents toward the Texas countryside in this amusing story of an armadillo on his own.

We really enjoyed reading this book when we went to Texas on Vacation. We spent time learning about Texas history and Armadillos. I hope you enjoy reading about our activities as much as we did completing them. 

History and Geography- 
The first thing we learned about Texas was were it was located on the map. Then the kids learned about the flag, state bird, state flower and frontiersman. Then the kids completed a worksheet and a quiz. They also read lots of books and watched a movie. Their favorite activities were visiting the Alamo, State Capital- Austin  and the Bullock History museum.  They got to see Bluebonnets and the state flag in person too!

Texas Bluebonnets-

Texas Flag-

Books and movie about Texas-

Visiting the Alamo 

Visiting the State Capital 

The Bullock History Museum-

The kids completed pioneer word problem worksheets.

Fine Art- Lily and Aj drew a pictures of an armadillo and colored a picture of one in. They also designed their own cowboy boot. The last project they completed was a memory flip book about Texas. They used paint, marker and pencils for this project.

Making Memory Flip Books-

Language Art-
The Kids read some more books about Texas and ranches. They received vocabulary words and had to write the definitions of each word.

We learned about animals native to Texas including bears, snakes and armadillos.  The kids watched a video from Natural Geographic.  We also hiked along the Guadalupe River and went to Sea World. 

Guadalupe River

Sea World

Physical Education- 
The kids spent the morning horseback ridding.

More Texas fun..... Shopping, Eating, Swimming and Exploring the local area!

Thanks for reading!!

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