Monday, December 16, 2019

The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore- Chapter 18 and 19 (Conclusion)


Dr. Carver spends more time giving speeches all around the world. He has been at the college for 40 years. The college hires a artist to make a statue of him.  The US post office honors Dr. Carver with a commemorative stamp with his picture on it.

What we learned-
Fine arts: Painting plants

Fine arts: Painting plants
Carver loved plants and painting. The kids Painted still life paintings of plants just like George Washington  Carver.

Dr Carver worked on  synthetic chemistry. He worked on developing new substances. We watched a video on you-tube about Natural products vs. Synthetics. 

Lily and Aj enjoyed reading this book  about the life of George Washington Carter. They enjoyed this book so much we read it very quickly and didn't complete as many activities as I would have liked. This book explains what George had done while he was alive and all of his accomplishments in agriculture, soil, and other practical uses. He had a long interesting life full of discovery built around helping others. I think the kids learned a lot about George Washington carvers life and hope to more activities  with the next Beyond FIAR book.

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