Friday, March 27, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 5

Chapter Summary-
The water level on the Wittings' farm drops lower and lower, and papa decides he has to go to town to haul water for animals. When they get there Sarah runs into Maggie who is comforting another friend, Caroline. They are being forced to move because of the drought.Their well is completely dry. Sarah is forced to see the painful , very real result of the drought. She is frustrated and over come with sadness.

What we learn in this chapter-
Fine Arts: The Colors of Drought-No Green, Warm Colors
Language Arts- Review Questions

Language Arts- Review Questions
  Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet with questions in cursive.

Fine Arts: The Colors of Drought-No Green, Warm Colors
🖌We have been studying about the 1930's. Today's art goal was to make a landscape painting using warm colors about what living in the era of the Dust Bowl was like.

Thanks for Reading!

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