Sunday, March 29, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 7

Chapter Summary-
Every day the Drought worsens. The Children aren't taking bath anymore to conserve water and each day requires the family to haul water for animals. The Wittings neighbors are being forced to move because of he drought. Sarah is angry and cant understand why someone would move away from the prairie. Maggie tells Sarah that Jacob is right and you must write your name in  the sand to live here.

What we will learn from this chapter:
Language Arts: Review Questions
Science: Importance of Water

Language Arts: Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet from the chapter.

Science: Importance of Water
Lily and Aj watched a video and read 2 books on the importance of water and how we use water in our daily lives.

Thanks for reading!

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