Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 9

Chapter Summary
Just as Thinks were starting to get brighter, Maggie and Mathews well runs dry. They are forced to move. This is difficult for Sarah. Lightening strikes the barn and the fire begins to rage. They can not stop it and the family watches the barn burn down. After the fire a decision is made. Sara, Anne and Caleb move to Maine to live with the aunts until the drought ends. Papa will  not go with them.

What will we learn from this Chapter-
Language Arts- Chapter Review Questions and Writing
Science- Water Table, Aquifers 

Language Arts: Review Questions
Lily and Aj completed a review worksheet from the chapter. They also wrote a letter to Anna.

Science- Water Table, Aquifers 
💦The kids learned about ground water and aquifers through videos, 
experimentation and worksheets! 💦

Thanks for reading! 

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