Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Skylark by Patricia Maclachlan Chapter 11

Chapter Summary- 
The days stretch into weeks as Anna, Caleb and Sarah stay in Maine. The children miss their father more and more. Sarah goes to the Doctor and assures the children that shes not sick.  Papa writes a letter saying Seal had kittens. The children wonder if the drought will ever end and will they ever be able to go back to the prairie?

What we will cover in this chapter-
Language arts- Review questions
Fine Arts- "Hush Little Baby- the song

Language arts- Review questions
Lily and Aj completed review questions about the chapter.

Fine Arts- "Hush Little Baby- the song
The kids looked up the origins of the song “Hush Little Baby”. They also watched a you-tube video while singing the lyrics.

Thanks for reading!

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